Taylor Brantley

Taylor Brantley

Taylor Brantley has three passions in life: God, people, and writing (with an honorary mention to food and fitness). Taylor was raised in a Christian homeschool environment, which encouraged a freedom to be who God made him and resulted in an interest in storytelling and writing.

Taylor graduated from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri with a degree in business management, and while test taking was ever a struggle, writing papers was primarily what kept grades high. During his young adult years, Taylor never saw his writing ability as something to serve God with, but as the years pass, he has discovered that he wants his every passion and ability to revolve around God, for “all is vanity and a striving after wind” without God.

Taylor’s great desires in life are to know God more each day, to spend as much time with loved ones as possible, to not waste the time given him, and to find the greatest BBQ restaurant in America.

Top Arrangements

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Blessed Assurance
Christ Arose
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Jesus Paid It All 2018
Holy Holy Holy

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